الثلاثاء، 16 أغسطس 2022

Powered exoskelrton           


It is an pneumatic device that helps individuals who have weakness in the muscles of the hand and individuals who carry heavy things constantly by means of a supportive structure for the hand and the back contains clamps from the front to hold things and lifts heavy loads according to what is permitted in the design and moves in a circular motion With the movement of the forearm of the hand to facilitate the transfer of loads and the work of blindfolds on the back (ribs) so that the weight is focused on it and avoiding loading on the spine, and a ground holder is designed for it in the event of very heavy weights to be installed and a large part of the load is focused on the ground such as The idea of the crane and the work of bearing the limbs is done by means of a joystick that has directions and there are buttons to control the arm manually in addition to the sensors


As a result of the scientific and technical progress in which we live now, we must use it to relieve people and make them feel more comfortable and preserve their health and life more.

Therefore, robotics companies and artificial intelligence are rushing to manufacture devices that allow people to live in more comfort.

Project aims

1- Helping people with weak muscles.

2- It helps those who have muscular dystrophy in carrying out their daily tasks as a minimum.

3- It is used to transport very heavy things.

4- It can be developed and a supportive position for the foot also helps those who cannot move.

5- Enlarge the size of the body and make it carry heavier things.


Links and form:

The shirt sleeve is designed with ties that allow the hand to move in a Y direction and the shoulder can rotate around the z axis.
The biceps and tarsal muscle area has a fixed part parallel to the human body and is fixed by it from the top of the hamstrings or piston that work with pneumatic that will engage you in the movement of the other part of the hand and the rotation in the upper part is done using an electric DC motor connected to a gearbox
The back consists of circular carriers that help distribute the reddened weight, and
there is more than one belt on the back, shoulder and hand, and the devices accompanying the movement of the arm are installed.

Control and actuator.

1- Dc motors to rotation arm the motor is connect to gear box to increase torque.
2- Dc motors to rotation of gripper and open close it.
3.1-Pneumatic muscles to carry load. [compressor and pneumatic system].
3.2- pneumatic system (piston , direction valve ,compression, safety valve ,check valve)
Control ;-
1-motor drives .( stepper for gripper & servo for rotation )
2-direction control valve.
3-EMG sensor for muscles (600 pound)
4-arduino nano (100 pound)
(5- manual controller for all parts by joystick that has directions )

Finance and availability of tools :

1-control valve (2)---→2000
2- Arduino nano (4)---→500.
3-EMG (2)---→1200
4-NEMA 17 Stepper (2)-→500
5-FT5835 servo (2)--→1200
6.1-pistion (4)-→600:1000
(6.2-muscles (6)-→10000) replaced
8- gripper (2)→500
8- pipes &links & another-→7600

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